Loneliness Have you ever felt lonely? I felt lonely in my marriage (you can read more on reconnecting with yourself in my book ‘Conversations With Me’). Feeling lonely has nothing to do with being alone. Loneliness can happen in various forms, you can feel Lonely...
Acceptance What can help with acceptance So often we fight against things that are, things we cannot change. When we can finally accept them, it feels like a burden is off our shoulders. We feel free and happier. What are you fighting against? I invite you to take a...
Sleep Sleep is so important for our overall wellbeing, and like with health, we only realise it, once we don’t have it anymore. We might take a good night’s sleep for granted, until one day we can’t fall asleep as easily, or we don’t sleep through the night...
Clearing and Cleansing It is important to clear our energy system regularly. Like taking a shower, brushing our teeth or taking the car to the carwash. Clearing and Cleansing is helpful when we integrate it into our daily routine. Clearing and cleansing helps us to be...
Forgiveness Forgiveness is key in our healing journey. Like everything else, forgiveness starts within. When we learn to forgive ourselves, we are ready to start our life. We often feel angry with ourselves for letting other people treat us a certain way, or for not...
Healthy Boundaries Do you have a hard time saying No to others. Learning to cultivate healthy boundaries is all about learning to say YES to yourself. I am a recovering doormat, I have been bending over backwards to try and make my marriage work, it didn’t work, it...