Hi, my name is Caroline – I love to help you to step into the gorgeous woman you were always meant to be
I’ve gone through my own journey from not feeling good enough to leading a wonderful life with joy and ease.
I am excited to help you do the same
With my Intuitive Energy Healing:
Feeling Worthy and good enough
Embracing the gorgeous woman you truly are
Love yourself just the way you are
Surrounded by like minded and true friends
Finding joy and happiness being you
Living your purpose and a fulfilled life
Finally letting go of what no longer serves you

If you have a situation or simply love to clear your energy deeply
one session might help you
One Heart Flow Healing Session
I know by sharing my stories I can inspire you and let you know, you are not alone out there, and that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
with my voice. During one of my events, workshops or meditations live, online or from my healing shop.
Connect with me on Social Media

Lessons from a Cat
Leo is gone, his lessons are still very present. Lessons from a cat, self care, unconditional love and feeling good enough.

I regularly have special offers, for my services, items from my healing shop, or promotions for my books.
Caroline the Speaker
I love to engage with my audience.
Feeling, how I touch hearts with my words and voice is just amazing.
I am in awe with everyone in my audience, be it on podcast or video interviews, on a stage, during a workshop or holding a deeply healing meditation.
Touching one heart at a time and reaching you with my message from my heart to yours is deeply gratifying. As a teacher of the hearts it is important for me to come from a pure and open heart, so you can sense the love pouring through me.
Fun fact, in high school I had a horrible experience speaking in front of the class, I giggled nervously, and the teacher was not happy and my class mates only made demeaning comments, so I told myself, I am not good at public speaking, I will never ever speak in public again.
Here I am now many years later, enjoying engaging an audience, because I have found my passion, because I have found my purpose, and I am ready to share it with the world.

Teacher of the Hearts
As Teacher of the Hearts I speak on topics like:
– How can we connect to our heart, when everybody around us is so mind oriented
– How can we stay true to ourselves, stay in our own energy
– How can we re-connect to the love within, when we feel so alone and unloved
– Healing and clearing our relationships (romantic, family, business, etc)
– How does it feel to be an Introvert, Earth Angel, Sensitive Soul, Giving Heart, Light Worker. –
– How can we make this world a more loving place.
You can find many of my podcast and video interviews on my media page.
I always love to share the love, please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in hosting my heart in your show.
Caroline the Healer
I love to hold you in a safe space, in a very loving place so you can release and let go of what no longer serves you. There is no work or pain involved.
While I hold you in love, you only need to breathe, sometimes I ask you to breathe deep into your belly that is all. We gently let go of what no longer serves you while we stay in our heart space.
Healing is easy, and I guide you gently through it.
We will open your heart, release pain and hurt, so you too can get back into the flow of love, the all-healing flow of love.
As a girl I always wanted to become a doctor, though Latin and learning by heart was not my strengths. Only recently, after I was already fully emerged on the healing path, I realized, that I have fulfilled my childhood’s dream. I am helping and healing people.
I am all about the heart, having a healthy, happy and open heart space, leads us to a most ulfilling, healthy and joyful life.

What I specialize in …
I specialize in
– Healing pain and hurt and grief, so you can come back to joy and love again.
– Clearing relationships (romantic, family, business and more), so you can truly meet them on a fresh and cleared level.
Do you feel like you’ve been taken for granted, used, and that you have a hard time saying No?
I help you to a more nurturing way towards yourself, releasing the need to please and learn to be more assertive and true to yourself.
Do you feel like you are too sensitive, like you are picking up on everything and everyone?
I help you to stay in your truth, release and clear your energy, and embrace your gorgeous sensitivity.
Do you feel like you carry the burden of the world on your shoulders?
I help you to let go, and feel carried and nurtured by Mother Earth.
Do you feel like you are a misfit here on earth, like you have been dropped without being given instructions, like you do not fit in, and don’t belong?
I am happy to guiding you home to your heart, to your intuition and guidance. You are needed here on earth, right now, now is your time to shine.
I love to work with Sensitive Souls, Giving Hearts, Light Workers, Empaths, Introverts and Earth Angels.
Heart Flow Healing
I have learned with all my clients, that it needs around 5 sessions to release layer after layer and come to a truly good place. That’s why I offer my In-Depth Healing Experience, a 6 month 1:1 program for Beautiful Change.
If you just want to experience an energy cleanse, like a quick car wash, I offer you a one-off 30 min one-off Energy Cleansing Session for $77.
I am truly happy to hold you in a loving grounded and deeply connected space, so you can come back to yourself, breathe and simply be.
Looking very much forward to assisting you on your healing journey.

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