Be your own Valentine
Don’t wait for someone else
Have you ever felt disappointed by your partner? Maybe you expected a grand gesture for Valentine, and it didn’t happen, maybe he even totally forgot about Valentine’s Day.
Did you ever share what you would love?
Do you ask for what you love?
We often have a hard time asking
I did neither, I was too shy, and I always expected my partners to know what I wanted. I had this big dream of the man of my life totally getting me, like I was getting him. I never understood, that not everyone is this intuitive or this open with sharing love.
Yes, I was totally disappointed, and yes I had my fair share of unhealthy relationships. Expecting them to love me deeply, and assuring me that I am lovable, was not their job either, back then I didn’t know.
And of course if your relationship is happy and healthy and you feel treasured just the way you are, and then Valentine’s Day is not the end of the world. Remember love is not shown on one day only.
How you can be your own best Valentine
Treat yourself (especially when you are single) and also take initiative. Some ideas :
- Get your favorite flowers
- Buy the chocolates you love
- Have a bath with rose essences
- Carry a rose quartz with you
- Treat yourself to dinner (go out or cook your favorite meal)
- Go for your favorite walk
- Read the book you always wanted to
- Have that bubbly (or create your own drink) and cheer yourself
- Write down 5 things you love about yourself
- Take time for yourself, allow yourself to be
- Listen to your favorite music
- Listen to a meditation (you can download some from my Healing Shop (LINK))
- Learn more about yourself (remember childhood favorites etc.)
- Sing, dance, paint (mandalas) or take photos, be creative
These are just a couple of ideas, how you can be your own best Valentine.
I created a healing webinar about this topic a couple of years back, you can download it here:
It is ok to be single
Remember you are your own woman, it is very much ok to be single, even though often our surrounding and society might see it differently. I just smile, when people ask me, whether I am in a partnership now. I am whole just as I am, and yes sometimes I wish for a partner, and I trust it will happen at the right time, it is all about divine timing.
Enjoy the freedom and make the most out of it. This is your time, your time to learn so much more about yourself. Your time to heal and reconnect with who you are.
Just in case you need to hear this, there is no knight in shining armor coming to rescue you. Trust in yourself, you can do this. You are an amazing soul.
I love to assist you on your Self Love Journey, where you can truly heal your past, open your heart, learn to prioritize yourself and evolve, emerge and empower yourself.
It all starts with you!
You are so loved
Warm hugs