Reconnecting With Yourself


One day after my divorce, I ‘woke up’ in my living room and realized I had no idea who I truly was anymore.

I realized that everything around me was not representing my tastes or me; however, I had no idea what I, myself, liked.

It had only been 3 months, back then, since my marriage had broken up. I was still shaken to the core, finding myself deeply immersed in all of the heartbreak and potential of the new life I was facing.

I sat there, took a deep breath, and had to admit to myself that I had given up on myself, that I had bent over backward to make my marriage work, and that I lost the sense of who I was through it.

“Who am I?” was the big question I asked myself.

This moment was the beginning of a beautiful journey to reconnect with myself again.

It’s 10 years later now, and I still wonder if this journey to knowing me ever ends? Aren’t we all here to reconnect with our true essences? Don’t we all give away pieces – try to fit in or conform – to a certain extent?

Wherever you are on your own journey, “it is never too late to be what you might have been.” (a lovely quote by George Eliot).


Do you have a hard time being true to yourself?

Do you feel like you are more concerned about what others think than with making things right for yourself?


It is ok. Just take your time to be with yourself every day. Listen within and connect with yourself.


Wisdom from within

What has helped me along my path:

  • Taking time to just be with myself
  • Breathing
  • Feeling within (my body, my spirit)
  • Asking myself, “What is it I need right now?”
  • Again, asking myself, “What is it I would love to do right now?”

Taking a couple of minutes each day being by myself has strengthened my connection to who I am again.


You can do this for yourself, too.



I am sharing my story about how going through a divorce helped me reconnect with myself. I share nuggets of wisdom from within in each chapter.

I love to inspire you and assist you on your path to self-discovery and standing up for yourself.

I am happy to announce that my book is now available on Amazon, as a Kindle or paperback version.

Link to Amazon


My aim is to inspire you and help you to reconnect with yourself again.


Warm hugs,


Signature Caroline Palmy


What type are you?

Self Love Assessment Quiz, Self Care, Self Worth, Healing

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Find out with this quick and fun self-love quiz.