We all have areas in our lives, where we would love some insights and guidance.

I channel this guidance, presented with love from the Universe.

I love to tap into the wisdom of the angels and helpers and share it with you.

Do you have a burning question?

Would you love some insight or clarity into a situation?

Is there a way to improve an area of your life?

A Intuitive Angel Reading can help you


I am happy to connect to the Universe and the angelic realm, and get all the answers for you. All the insights, background and information I get I will write down and send it to you in a beautiful pdf via Email, so you can read it over and over again.

Plus I share any insights that come up on what you can do, easy to use tools and healing.

It is like a personal love note from the Universe.

I had clients that carried their guidance with them wherever they went, and years later the sheet of paper was so worn from constant use and reconnecting.

*Price in US Dollars –   Please read my Ethics Page


A Intuitive Angel Reading often brings healing, relief and a smile.

Are you ready for your smile?

I love to assist you in finding an easier life full of love and purpose.

I offer 1 question E-Mail Intuitive Angel Readings

You send me one question, or explain an area you love insights in, and I will channel within 3 to 4 working days usually around 3 pages and email you your personal answers as a pdf.

Follow up for unclear aspects or verifications are of course included (within reasons)

If you love greater insights, you might want to book a Heart Flow Healing Session, as I channel everything that comes to me, and share with you too.


Intuitive Angel Reading

*Price in US Dollars –   Please read my Ethics Page

 I am so happy to assist you on your healing journey

I am here for you

How can I serve you

Looking forward to hearing from you

Warm hugs


Signature Caroline Palmy



You can opt out at any time - I don't share or sell your data, see my
privacy policy for how I keep your data safe ♥

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