Dear Beautiful Soul,
How are you feeling today? Yes you are a beautiful soul, we all are. I understand you might not feel this way yet, no worries you get there.
Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, are you struggling to get through each day?
You are not alone, I am working with many beautiful souls going through the same.
Life can be joyful, you will see when you have more energy. I am here for you I help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, and remind you that all you ever have to do is take one step at a time.
You will feel supported, more energetic and ready to face your life to the fullest, and see the joy in each day.
Are you feeling like you are carrying the world on your shoulders, do your neck or shoulders feel stiff? Do you feel like your jaws are tight?
Do you feel lonely, like you have to do everything, there is no support out there?
Again, you are not alone, I have helped many beautiful souls to ease the burden, released their tension helped them to let go and connect to Mother Earth and feel supported and carried, and so deeply loved.
Now they feel lighter, their tension is gone, they can breathe easily and feel supported and trust their path.
Are you struggling with your Ex, a family Member or even have a bit of a hard time with one of your children or a friend?
We all go through this, we all have relationship struggles from time to time. Don’t let it get too far, are you avoiding family occasions, just not to see this one person? Are you struck in fear every time you get an email or call from your ex? Are you having a hard time getting out of bed, because that one co-worker is making your life hell? Have you considered quitting the job, just because of that person?
Do you feel like a bad Mom, for not truly loving your child?
I can assist you in clearing this relationship, so you can start anew, and won’t be irritated by others again. With your children you come back to love, you get a new perspective and find a heart to heart connection again.
You feel lighter, supported, and part of a loving family, and know that you can deal with all kinds of relationships from now on.
Do you have a hard time saying NO, do you feel like you have to help everyone and are wondering, ‘what about me’. Do you feel tired, overwhelmed and sometimes resentful?
I was there, I am a recovering doormat, I know how to assist you, so you can learn to say No, when needed, and feel good looking after yourself. Remember we can not pour from an empty jar. You will know when to say yes with a happy heart, and when a no is the right answer.
You feel supported, deeply nurtured and ready to look after yourself too, as you know you will be a better Mom, partner and friend, when you share from a full jar. Are you ready to fill up your jar now.
Do you miss a purpose? Have your kids grown older, and now you feel like there must be more to life? Is your day job draining you?
I know this can be often challenging, looking for a deeper purpose in life, a more fulfilled life, a happier life. Yes you are worth happiness and true purpose in your life.
I am happy to assist you on your healing journey, release what no longer serves and get insights into your soul’s calling.
Would you love to learn to trust your own guidance?
I am here for you,
I have been there myself, all of the above
You deserve to feel better, find joy, be more energetic, and have fabulous relationships and allow yourself to come first.
If you are wondering, whether I can help you, or would love to get to know me first
I invite you on a FREE 30 min Heart to Heart Revealing Session with me
I listen to you with an open ear and heart. I accept where you are, I am very compassionate, and I love to support you on your journey.
I can give you insights into your heart, see where this could come from
Happy to connect with you
Sending you much love
And warm hugs