Lessons from a Cat

Lessons from a Cat

Dear Leo, You have taught us so much.  When you arrived in our home as an about 2 year old wonderful cat and hearts in August 2009, we went through a separation and divorce, you helped me and my 3 young children especially during those hard times. I am eternally...
How My Skating Accident Was A Wake-Up Call

How My Skating Accident Was A Wake-Up Call

Blessons (Blessing in a Lesson) Accidents happen: you can blame others or yourself when something goes wrong, or you can learn from the experience and move on. Accidents are also opportunities to sit still, contemplate, and just be. They are often signs from above to...
Relationship Patterns

Relationship Patterns

Are you repeating the same old patterns over and over? Is it time to look at your relationships? Maybe you feel that this topic doesn’t really matter because you are already in a relationship. Relationship Carry Ons Sometimes people repeat old patterns in their...

What type are you?

Self Love Assessment Quiz, Self Care, Self Worth, Healing

Are you a self love princess, lady, or goddess?
Find out with this quick and fun self-love quiz.