manifesting the law of attraction


Being open to receive and focusing on what you love, plus acting as if it is already here, is manifesting.

Today’s thoughts create your tomorrow, and that can be very tricky, as we then tend to blame ourselves for what goes wrong. Or if things don’t happen the way we want it, we feel we didn’t do enough manifesting.

Manifesting is a great topic and it shows how two folded it can be. Yes, seeing the positive, attracting a wonderful outcome is manifesting, however if you get sick, don’t let anyone talk you into ‘you have manifested this’.

It is not your fault, if people get cancer, or have a hard time, it’s not that they manifested this with bad thoughts, or worries or anything, or only partly, more often it is part of their life, an experience they needed to learn during this life time.

So yes, manifesting is wonderful though it can also lead to toxic spirituality, where ‘spiritual’ people look down on you and tell you that you had bad thoughts and that’s why you are going through this hardship.

Most of all, be gentle and compassionate with yourself, accept the challenges in life and learn from them. Remember we all chose this life in the here and now.


How can manifesting help you

It can bring in your dreams.

It can uplift you, as you stay more positive, living as if it is already here.

Manifesting is like calling in what you love in your life.


Just remember, not to focus on the lack of it, but rather on your life already gorgeous, gratitude.


What are some steps to manifest

Living it, as it is already here, that means, feeling, thinking and yes living it on all levels.

Writing, I love to write it out, all in positive form (no nos and no don’ts) and in the present tense.

Taking a couple of minutes each day to feel and dream into your manifestations.

Follow your bliss

Do things that bring joy to your heart.

Detach from the outcome, surrender to it, be happy anyway, as we never know what the Universe plans for us.

Remember, Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. A quote by John Lennon.


From my Healing Shop

My gorgeous meditation on letting go of fear, helps you to stay positive


connect to your inner calm helps you stay positive


Heart & Soul

Learn more about Manifesting in our latest episode of Heart and Soul. Janet Groom and I are sharing, how manifesting has helped us, and how we manifest.


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Warmest of hugs

Signature Caroline Palmy

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